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Frequently Asked Questions


What if my child is poorly?
What should I pack in my child's bag?
What should my child wear?
Where will my child sleep?
When is the best time to book a space?
Where should I go if I have a concern?
What will my child eat?
What does a day at Willows Day Care look like?
What happens if I will be late to a pickup?
What days are you closed?

What if my child is poorly?

If they have been unwell before you bring them to the day care, just give us a call to discuss.
If it’s a sickness bug they need to stay home for 48 hours after their last episode.
If your child becomes poorly whilst with us, we will of course ring to come and collect.
Please notify us of any absences before 8.30am.

What should I pack in my child's bag?

All children will need two full changes of clothes including socks.

Babies and some toddlers will need, nappies and wipes, bottom cream, comforters, milk bottles with formula or breast milk.

What should my child wear?

In order to feel free to explore and experiment with all kinds of materials, including messy ones, it is advisable to send your child dressed in clothes that are easily washable and preferably not new. Simple clothing which they can handle themselves will enable them to go to the toilet unaided and to put on and take off their outdoor clothes without being too dependent on adults for help.

We also request that each child is provided with suitable winter outdoor clothing; coat, hat and gloves, suitable summer clothing; sun hat and sun cream, and suitable wet weather clothing; pair of wellington boots, waterproof trousers and rain coat. All clothing should be clearly labelled and can be kept at the Day Care where possible.

Where will my child sleep?

In our baby room we cots, pushchairs and bed mats, so depending on where your child sleeps best at home we will endeavour to mirror this at the day care. Our toddlers sleep on bed mats in their room if a nap is needed.

When is the best time to book a space?

Admissions must be made through Powys County Council, once approved a place will be allocated. Information and admission forms are available on the Powys County Council website.

To apply for the Childcare Offer you need to check
. We encourage parents to secure a place for their child well in advance. We charge a booking fee to secure your space.

Where should I go if I have a concern?

The first thing to do is to discuss with your child’s room as they can solve most concerns immediately. If you want to discuss things further or anything else please give the manager a call.

If you ever feel that you are not happy with the solutions we have offered then please see our complaints procedures located in the policy section.

What will my child eat?

Mealtime is celebrated at Willows Day Care Brecon, where a wide range of delicious food is prepared in our on site kitchen by our in-house chef. Older children may assist and take part in preparing snacks by taking a helpwr heddiw role.
Our varied and healthy menu ensures that each child has the opportunity to develop their palette whilst enjoying nutritious, healthy and well balanced meals and snacks. During meal and snack time, we talk about the experience of flavours, textures, shapes and colours, and sometimes where the ingredients have come from.

Fresh, non-dairy and formula milk as well as drinking water is available throughout the day. We welcome breast-fed children and provide refrigerated storage for breast milk.

Sample Menu:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Breakfast Toast
Nut-free muesli
Dried Fruit
Sliced cheese
Whipped cream
Fruit smoothie
Pancakes with jam and whipped cream
Lunch Spaghetti and beef/quorn bolognese with garlic bread and rainbow salad

Rice pudding with jam
Chicken/vegetable korma with basmati pilau, poppadoms and dipping sauces

Fruit salad with cream
Cheese and broccoli puff pastry pie with roast herby potatoes, home-made slaw

Sponge cake and custard
Thai style chicken/veg noodles

Apple pie with ice cream
Roast beef/Stuffed mushrooms with trimmings

Deconstructed lemon cheesecake
Tea Selection of crackers, cheese and cold meats Tiger loaf open sandwich with choice of filling: tuna and mayo, cheese, pâté Chicken/veg pasta salad Bagels and cream cheese
Veggies with dips
Flatbread chicken and sweetcorn/ margherita pizza

What does a day at Willows Day Care look like?

Routines vary for each group due to the childrens’ age and developmental stage.

A range of activites that we incorporate are:

  • Art and craft in our designed Artelier

  • Music, movement and imaginative play in our dance drama room

  • Reading and story time in our cosy library area

  • Circle Time

  • Cooking

  • Outdoor play

  • Project work which is documented and used to plan the next topics

  • Welsh Language incorporation

  • We also have occasional visits from members of the wider community such as Guide Dogs

What happens if I will be late to a pickup?

We appreciate that sometimes there may be circumstances beyond parent control affecting the prompt collection of your child. If you know you are going to be late collecting the child in our care please call at the earliest opportunity and discuss with the manager/room leader the arrangements for the collection. Please note that a late stay fee will still be chargeable.

What days are you closed?

New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day Bank holiday Monday, Spring Bank Holiday Monday, Late Summer Bank Holiday Monday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day.